Privacy Policy

The protection of your privacy is important to us. We fully commit to keep your personal data safe every time, increasing technical and organizational checks properly. Please, read the following regulations in order to know how we deal with your personal data, since the use of our service will mean your approval of disclosure's content itself.


We gather and use your personal data in order to satisfy legal and regulatory requests; for historical and statistical purposes, for control and safety reasons, we need to perform this data collection in order to provide you our services and make them available for you even in the next future. Occasionally, we could use your personal data to get in touch with you via post, email, phone or mobile to introduce our new products or updates about events, activities, plans, schemes, developments, commitments or special offers that have been implemented, promoted or supported by our company. We encourage you to contact us for any of your needs, and we would like to mention your right to unsubscribe from our mailing list whenever you want, so you will not receive any promotional or marketing material from us anymore. As our policy foresees for issues like disclosure to third-party, we will never communicate your personal data to anyone, exception made for our employees who need to have the full access to them in order to provide you that typical kind of service. Anyway, we could be forced by law, in case of a legal trial, to disclose data to competent authorities.


Once you've provided us your personal data through physical, electronically or managerial procedures, our company will take care of their whole safeguard and security. To properly share sensitive data, an encrypted SSL system is used for browsing our website and for informing the administration department about payments. Please, bear in mind that we cannot guarantee your data to be entirely safe, once they have been transmitted via Internet, so we remind you to take all the possible precautions to protect your personal data every time you are surfing the web.


You have always the right to access the information we gathered on you; to review or update them, you just need to login on our website (using username and password, as usual) and through the dedicated section in your "Account Management and Setting" you can apply any change you wish about personal data. If you prefer another way, you can always contact our customer care department by using ordinary communication channels. Furthermore, you have the right to make sure your data would always be corrected, in case of any mistake, or even be deleted, in case you request for account closing. It is our right to ask you for a written application of the information we collected about you.


Our website use cookies in order to recognize visitors, so the login procedure can be way easier. Cookies are enabled only by users will. A cookie is an inoffensive package used only for purposes of web analysis. Cookies usually expire within four weeks.


In order to make sure your personal data will always stay confidential; we provide each of our employees with these guidelines. Our company website could occasionally contain some links to other websites; we don't share any of your personal data with these other websites so we are not responsible for their privacy processing on these different websites. Thus, we encourage you to obtain information about privacy policies of these other companies. If we should use your personal data in a way different from the one you have been warned about when you gave us your details, we would immediately notify that to you. Our rules could change anytime, so it is in your personal interest to keep checking our privacy policy document in case of variations.